In 1998, Richard Sakai, Pharm.D., FASHP, FCSHP, became the director of pharmacy service at the 358-bed Children’s Hospital Central California ... [read more]
AS PHARMACY PRACTICE EVOLVES from a profession that primarily supervises medication distribution to one that provides services such as medication ... [read more]
OVER THE YEARS, ASHP’s National Survey of Health-System Pharmacy Practice has evolved into a powerful tool to track pharmacy developments. The ... [read more]
AS I WRITE THIS, the world is witnessing amazing changes in the Middle East. Citizens from Tunisia to Egypt--and now in Libya--are rising ... [read more]
I WRITE THIS COLUMN having just returned from an incredibly energizing, exciting Pharmacy Practice Model Initiative (PPMI) Summit ... [read more]
More than 150 pharmacy leaders from across the country met in Dallas Nov. 7–9, 2010, to discuss what hospital and health-system pharmacy practice ... [read more]