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Residency Match Day 2016

Mar 18, 2016
Paul W. Abramowitz, Pharm.D., Sc.D. (Hon.), FASHP

Paul W. Abramowitz, Pharm.D., Sc.D. (Hon.), FASHP

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL who matched during the first of two residency Matches! For those who did not match in the First Match, please plan to participate in the Second Match, as there are still a number of unfilled positions at excellent programs for you to take advantage of.

The Match this year was another great success, with 3,940 individuals matching with residency programs. The number of residency programs continues to grow, with another 322 residency positions added to the 2016 Match. It is ASHP’s explicit goal to continue to work with residency programs and the profession to increase the number of residency positions in the years to come.

It is fantastic to see the growing interest in residency training as well as the demand for residency-trained pharmacists. Residency training has been a powerful way to help position pharmacists as knowledgeable and credible leaders on the patient care team. It has also helped pharmacists take on even greater responsibility for medication therapy management and overall patient care.

I am still amazed when I reflect on the vision that leaders like ASHP’s former CEO Dr. Joseph A. Oddis had for the profession when ASHP created the concept of residency training more than 50 years ago. I believe it is safe to say that residency training was a major driver in the evolution and advancement of pharmacy as a clinical and patient-oriented profession. We should all be thankful to those early ASHP leaders who acted on their vision for the profession many decades before residency training was in such high demand.

I know that all of you as new PGY1 and PGY2 residents will take every opportunity offered to you during this exciting and very rigorous year of training that you are about to embark on. The experience will likely be among the more challenging in your career; however, the fruits of your labor will pay great dividends in terms of the outcomes you are able to help your patients achieve and the contributions you will make as a vital member of the interprofessional team. Further, the leadership and interpersonal skills you will gain during your training will help you to be not only a leader in the profession, but also a strong advocate of the patients you serve.

Please know that regardless of where you practice — whether in an ambulatory clinic, hospital, or other patient care setting — ASHP is your professional home as a patient care provider. Also, as a resident, please plan to continue to read and contribute to AJHP Residents Edition. ASHP is the only organization with this exceptional peer-reviewed platform for pharmacy residents, and its success is fully attributed to you and the great work you will be doing as a resident. Please also make sure to stay involved in the ASHP New Practitioners Forum, which provides a multitude of resources and opportunities for you to be involved in ASHP.

Again, congratulations to all of you, and good luck in your residency. I look forward to seeing you at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting in Las Vegas in December!



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