Dear Colleagues, AS YOU KNOW, ASHP staff and members have been working tirelessly during the COVID-19 pandemic to support our members and all ... [read more]
Dear Colleagues, THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC is changing our country’s healthcare landscape every day. Critical health policy changes are ... [read more]
Dear Colleagues, THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC CONTINUES to cause immense challenges across our nation. Today, I want to acknowledge the difficult ... [read more]
Dear Colleagues, ASHP CONTINUES TO WORK ACROSS MULTIPLE FRONTS to help our members and all healthcare professionals to address the ... [read more]
Dear Colleagues, AS THE IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC CONTINUES TO ESCALATE ACROSS THE COUNTRY, there is increased urgency to ensure that ... [read more]
Dear Colleagues, WEDNESDAY EVENING I had the opportunity to participate on a director of pharmacy roundtable call with members of the New York ... [read more]