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Achieving Balance in Today’s Connected World

Jun 01, 2010

Diane Ginsburg, M.S., FASHP

SOCIAL NETWORKING HAS BECOME such a standard part of my day that it’s hard to believe that just a decade ago, Facebook, Twitter, etc., were mere blips on the horizon. I have to admit that it’s easy to get a little compulsive about posting updates, keeping in touch with friends and colleagues, and sharing information and opinions on everything from my latest travel exploits to what’s happening in the classroom.
As a pharmacy educator, I am blessed to be surrounded by many soon-to-be practitioners. It’s fun to tap into their wealth of knowledge about this digital world and to see how creating a virtual identity is almost second nature to this generation.

But social networking is not without its perils. As you’ll see in this issue’s cover story (page 8), we all are navigating in uncharted waters. In this new world, we’re collectively trying to figure out how best to maintain our professionalism online while taking advantage of the many social benefits of this technology. I hope the tips and tools you’ll find in the story help you to chart your course online.
You may not be aware that a lion of our profession retired recently. Rear Admiral Robert Pittman, B.S.Pharm., M.P.H., U.S. Navy, recently spoke with InterSections about his service (page 14) with the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and the Indian Health Service. RADM Pittman’s work to bring health care to rural patients and positively influence the federal pharmacy practice model is an inspiring story for us all.
I’m sure you’ve followed the aftermath of recent catastrophic events, such as the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile. The untold story is one that’s happening at the frontlines among patient-care providers. Pharmacists who are part of Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMATs) and International Medical Surgical Response Teams are stepping in and providing valuable patient care. Interested in learning more about DMATs? Check out the story on page 12.

Finally, as pharmacists move into more direct patient-care roles, they are finding many opportunities to influence the health of their patients. Take a look at page 19 to see how pharmacists are using the Rx for Change (Ask-Advise-Refer) program to help patients stop using tobacco products. It’s amazing what a simple question can do to get the ball rolling toward achieving better health!
Hope you enjoy this issue! If you have any questions or suggestions for future stories, please send me an e-mail at [email protected] or [email protected]. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Diane Ginsburg, M.S., FASHP

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