Dear Colleagues, AS THE IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC CONTINUES TO ESCALATE ACROSS THE COUNTRY, there is increased urgency to ensure that ... [read more]
Dear Colleagues, WEDNESDAY EVENING I had the opportunity to participate on a director of pharmacy roundtable call with members of the New York ... [read more]
THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC is taking a major toll on people in the United States and around the world. The pandemic is taxing our entire healthcare ... [read more]
AS SHORTAGES of injectable hydromorphone, morphine, and fentanyl show few signs of abating, health systems across the country are finding ... [read more]
AS DRUG SHORTAGES CONTINUE TO AFFECT PATIENT CARE, health systems and hospitals across the country have begun to take steps to buffer the impact ... [read more]
ASHP AND OUR COLLEAGUES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH have been leaders in providing ASHP members, policymakers, and the entire healthcare community ... [read more]