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AJHP’s Top 25 Articles Address Critical Practice Issues

Feb 15, 2018

Paul W. Abramowitz, Pharm.D., Sc.D. (Hon.), FASHP

WITH A CIRCULATION OF 45,000, ASHP’s peer-reviewed scientific journal, AJHP, is the most widely recognized and respected pharmacy journal in the world. As part of our year-end review in late 2017, the editors of AJHP assembled a list of the Top 25 most frequently accessed articles on www.ajhp.org. What they found was compelling: The articles read most by you and your colleagues address some of the most critical issues facing the profession and healthcare at large. This connection is no accident. From its early days as The Bulletin to its current iteration, AJHP has sought to provide pharmacists with the latest, most relevant practice information available.

AJHP has undergone a comprehensive transformation in recent years in both design and content, including a new approach to cutting-edge clinical topics and an enhanced digital experience. These changes represent a continuation of the journal’s vital role in equipping pharmacists to guide medication-use and healthcare delivery at the patient, population, and policy levels.

A look at the most-accessed content clearly illustrates this principle. The Top 25 list includes articles that predict future directions for practice, offer guidance for strategic planning, and examine the challenges faced by women seeking greater leadership opportunities. Also featured are discussions about the training needs of pharmacy technicians, guidelines on preventing diversion of controlled substances, and approaches for caring for diverse patient populations. The Top 25 list also contains several articles that address important clinical practice issues related to the care of the critically ill as well as patients with cancer, diabetes, infectious diseases, pulmonary hypertension, and thrombotic disorders. This collection of most frequently accessed AJHP content addresses pressing issues for our patients, for our profession, and for our times.

AJHP’s mission to advance science, pharmacy practice, and health outcomes can be realized only when pharmacists take what they’ve learned and apply those findings in their practices. The Top 25 articles, and all of AJHP’s content, can be used to:

  1. Advance ASHP members’ approaches to patient care.
  2. Support pharmacists’ and pharmacy technicians’ professional development activities and approaches to delivering patient care.
  3. Inform proposals for educational offerings at ASHP’s meetings as well as state affiliate-based educational programs.
  4. Supplement educational initiatives with students and residents in the classroom, at the bedside, and through journal clubs and seminars.
  5. Prepare for policy discussions with legislators and other policymakers at the local, state, and federal levels.

I encourage you to take some time to read or revisit the findings in these valuable articles and consider how you can use AJHP to impact patient care at your organization. The full list of the Top 25 most-accessed articles is available as a collection on www.ajhp.org.

Thank you for all that you do on behalf of your patients, and for being a member of ASHP.


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