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Women in Pharmacy Leadership

Oct 16, 2015
Paul W. Abramowitz, Pharm.D., Sc.D. (Hon.), FASHP

Paul W. Abramowitz, Pharm.D., Sc.D. (Hon.), FASHP

RECENTLY, I HAD THE PLEASURE of participating in an ASHP-convened Women in Pharmacy Leadership Steering Committee chaired by ASHP Past-President Sara White. The meeting was set  to discuss opportunities for ASHP to address the unique professional and leadership development needs of women in the pharmacy workforce.

The data shows that women represent the majority of pharmacists practicing today; however, they occupy far too few leadership positions in our profession and in healthcare at large, particularly at senior leadership levels.

The benefits of a diverse workforce are vast and include different perspectives and experiences that ultimately contribute to better decision-making and a more productive and robust workplace.

Other professions both inside and outside of healthcare face similar leadership disproportions. Women face a gender gap for leadership positions, with fewer women populating the upward leadership path, despite being the demographic majority. ASHP is committed to exploring how to minimize cultural factors and to create an environment for focused mentoring and leadership development of a new generation of women pharmacy leaders.

ASHP is committed to exploring how to create an environment for leadership development of a new generation of women pharmacy leaders.

As an ASHP member for nearly 40 years, I have always admired the organization’s readiness to lead in addressing some of the most complex changes facing our profession, healthcare, and society at large.

ASHP has always been ahead of the curve and has the tenacity to devote the time, resources, and attention necessary to find innovative solutions to continue to advance our growing workforce. The issue of women in pharmacy leadership is no exception as we seek to sponsor and promote women leaders.

The ASHP Women in Pharmacy Leadership Steering Committee will meet throughout the year and provide recommendations and advice to ASHP. The Steering Committee will proactively seek input from all ASHP members, and we are committed to taking the best ideas and implementing them into our programs in the interest of nurturing positive change.

I hope that everyone shares our excitement and enthusiasm about this important initiative. ASHP is looking forward to hearing your views. Thank you for everything that you do for ASHP, our profession, and our patients.



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