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The Ebola Outbreak: ASHP’s Actions

Oct 21, 2014
Paul W. Abramowitz, Pharm.D., Sc.D. (Hon.), FASHP

Paul W. Abramowitz, Pharm.D., Sc.D. (Hon.), FASHP

I WOULD FIRST LIKE TO SAY that our hearts go out to the patients, families, and healthcare workers who have been stricken by the Ebola virus. These cases of Ebola infection have, of course, raised questions and concerns regarding America’s preparedness—and that of the rest of the world—to contain this outbreak.

Pharmacists practicing in hospitals and clinics are playing a key role in developing and implementing infection control procedures, and working as integral members of the team in managing patients. We realize that many of you would like to have more information regarding not only the outbreak and progress being made with potential treatment and prevention, but also best practices in managing these patients and preventing transmission of the virus. We want you to know that ASHP is here to help.

Since the first case of Ebola in the United States was reported, ASHP has been working with the federal government and other organizations to help manage this public health situation and to get reliable information out to our members.

ASHP will be featuring updated information in our daily e-mail news service–the ASHP Daily Briefing–and featuring news stories in our weekly ASHP NewsLink that goes out every Monday evening.

We have also launched an Ebola resource center on the ASHP website that will be constantly updated with the latest information, and we have created an ASHP Connect Community for members to post questions and share best practices about Ebola preparedness and response. We will also compile insights and best practices shared on the Ebola ASHP Connect Community and post that information to the web resource center.

ASHP and our members have always been on the forefront of addressing the most pressing issues facing our healthcare system, and the current concerns related to Ebola are no exception. Much of the best information available comes from peers sharing what they have learned. ASHP, through our ASHP Connect Member Communities, social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube), original news, and our interactive website have made the platforms available to facilitate that sharing of information.

Please let us know if we can do anything further to assist you in your efforts to address Ebola. Thank you so much for everything you do to care for your patients, and to help ensure that pharmacists are playing leading roles in addressing the most important public health issues facing our nation.



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Current Issue, Emergency Preparedness, From the CEO

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