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Living in the Digital World

Oct 09, 2009

Lynnae M. Mahaney, M.B.A., FASHP

WELCOME TO THE NEW DIGITAL EDITION of ASHP InterSections! I hope you are as excited as I am by the debut of a more interactive, easy-to-read magazine. As a digital publication, InterSections is now tapping into the power of the Web by offering readers relevant Web, audio, and video links embedded within the stories.

Our intention is that you find this to be a value-added experience, as you are able to search and read more about each topic than was possible with a print-only publication.

This new format also continues ASHP’s commitment to environmental and economic stewardship—no trees were harvested for this publication, and a digital format eliminates the burden of ever-increasing postage.

Since its founding in 2006, ASHP Inter-Sections has sought to bring you stories about fellow practitioners who are on the leading edge of practice and hot topics such as work-life balance, as well as information about what your society is doing for you.

This issue is no exception. Our cover story on the importance of health literacy—and the tools pharmacists can use to help patients understand their medications better—is eye-opening and something you won’t want to miss.

As the number of schools of pharmacy increases, more and more students are seeking introductory experiential education slots. If your hospital is considering implementing this type of program, check out the story on page 12. You will find information on the many benefits for institutions that are reaching out to students in this way.

How has the sputtering economy impacted your hospital or health system? On page 14, you will be able to see how fellow practitioners are dealing with reduced inpatient numbers, hiring freezes, and budgets that have come under increased scrutiny.

All of us here at ASHP look forward to your feedback and suggestions about the new ASHP InterSections. Drop me a line at [email protected] or contact me on the new ASHP blog and let me know what you think.

Lynnae M. Mahaney, M.B.A., FASHP

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